In the future, your service will not only runs on providing services like hotel bookings to your customer, but also providing goods, right? I take the impression that you'll provide goods from your second sentence of the first paragraph on the opening post. What kind of goods are you planning to provide?
the project is very convincing with its mission, providing more convenience for its customers, but will this work for the newly started project? I think this is a loss in itself
well, acording to your mission, every thing has to be free in this is this project is going to grow, if there will be no advertising? No salary costs for your employees, no office rent for your company?
how you will create your idea? what this platform will be like?and why in your team, i cant found any professional developers on blockchain technology?
Comments about ClearCost
Anonym 01 сент. 2018 г.
In the future, your service will not only runs on providing services like hotel bookings to your customer, but also providing goods, right? I take the impression that you'll provide goods from your second sentence of the first paragraph on the opening post. What kind of goods are you planning to provide?Anonym 01 сент. 2018 г.
the project is very convincing with its mission, providing more convenience for its customers, but will this work for the newly started project? I think this is a loss in itselfAnonym 01 сент. 2018 г.
well, acording to your mission, every thing has to be free in this is this project is going to grow, if there will be no advertising? No salary costs for your employees, no office rent for your company?Anonym 01 сент. 2018 г.
Hello guys,What is the symbol token??ThanksAnonym 01 сент. 2018 г.
how you will create your idea? what this platform will be like?and why in your team, i cant found any professional developers on blockchain technology?