The launch of the Eitcoin project and the beginning of concept development. 1 дек. 2016 |
The product concept was developed, and the team's core was built. The design stage began. 1 февр. 2017 |
The main components of the system were designed and described 1 июня 2017 |
A project portfolio was developed. The stage of UI / UX design and RundefinedD began 1 июля 2017 |
Preparations for the ICO aimed at raising funds for implementing the project in its entirety. 1 авг. 2017 |
Trusted CV service testing and the launch of a system 1 мая 2018 |
The launch of a certification service for organizations 1 авг. 2018 |
The release of platform applications for managing trusted CVs and candidate matching 1 окт. 2018 |
the launch of a beta version of the service for analyzing big data. 1 окт. 2018 |
The connection of technology partners to the ecosystem 1 февр. 2019 |