How many tokens do you have? What is the cost of each token? Who can participate in your conversation on Telegram? I think you should have a good working partner so that the project is more developed and I do not encourage you to cooperate with others if you feel unfavorable to the project. You need to disseminate more details about the project so that people can better understand your project. This will help people to have more sympathy for the project.
Comments about Valorem Foundation
Anonym 06 сент. 2018 г.
When is the coin going to the stock exchange? Will the coin be traded on the main exchanges and what is the value of the coin? Thanks !Anonym 03 сент. 2018 г.
How many tokens do you have? What is the cost of each token? Who can participate in your conversation on Telegram? I think you should have a good working partner so that the project is more developed and I do not encourage you to cooperate with others if you feel unfavorable to the project. You need to disseminate more details about the project so that people can better understand your project. This will help people to have more sympathy for the project.