代币量: 2018年9月15日 - 2019年1月1日
筹资目标 (Soft cap):US$2,000,000.00
0  Points                 詐騙 -5
金融: 8.3
產品: 6.7
团队: 4.7
營銷: 10



0% done

Rank: 7.42


   Implemented           Planned

Approach of the Idea and analysis of the feasibility of the project
1 10月 2017
-Conformation of the work team. -Initial technological development
15 3月 2018
-Incorporation in exchanges. -Start of Assembly of Beer Money production plant. -Development of the wallet mobile (Beer wallet) for Android and IOS.
31 3月 2018
-Website Development -Conformation of Advisors' Group.
15 5月 2018
-Development Token under NEM technology. -Start Pre-sale of tokens.
15 9月 2018
-Sale of tokens. -Completion of ICO. -Exchanges Application
31 12月 2018
-Launch of the first line of beer. -Beginning of the sale of the first line of beer.
31 5月 2019
-Launch of the second line of beer. -Expansion of the brand and distribution of the product.
31 8月 2019