代币量: 2018年1月15日 - 2018年5月1日
筹资目标 (Soft cap):US$5,000,000.00
0  Points                 詐騙 -5
金融: 8.3
產品: 10
团队: 5.0
營銷: 10



0% done

Rank: 8.33


   Implemented           Planned

Team building, White paper development, building the necessary infrastructure
31 12月 2017
Development of the smart-contract, Pre-Sale and Token sale, Liner materials research
30 6月 2018
Liner prototype development, Design and engineering documentation, Order and making of software and equipment
31 12月 2018
Order of materials and components, Cylinder prototype development, Conducting certification tests
30 6月 2019
Sertification of cylinders by TUV, Cylinders production in Europe, Beginning of token buy-back
31 12月 2019
Submission of applications for patents, Production growth in Europe
30 6月 2020