代币量: 2017年10月30日 - 2017年12月17日
筹资目标 (Soft cap):(未设置)
0  Points                 詐騙 -5
金融: 0.0
產品: 6.7
团队: 3.3
營銷: 1.7



0% done

Rank: 2.92


Comments about Global Crypto Bank

Anonym 2018年8月15日

Do you have pre-ICO? 

Anonym 2018年8月15日

Hello, when you start the stage ice ?

Anonym 2018年8月15日

Cryptocurrencies are getting more popular and growing in a very fast pace and already integrated with a vast variety of services and financial systems but the problem with crypto is it's not always available in some areas and not all merchants are accepting cryptos as payments, the solution is to provide ATMs where everyone can convert their cryptocurrencies and withdraw them as fiat and be able to buy what they wanted to buy, but that ATMs are not available and only few locations have that machines like some Bitcoin ATMs, what are your plans to address this situation?

Anonym 2018年8月15日

these were many bank projects. monaco, centra etc. is this project different from the others?