Heridity Cyber Asset Investments (HRIHDTY)

代币量: 2018年11月1日 - 2019年11月1日
筹资目标 (Soft cap):US$6,500,000.00
10  Points                 詐騙 -5
金融: 8.3
產品: 6.7
团队: 3.7
營銷: 10



0% done

Rank: 7.17


Comments about Heridity Cyber Asset Investments

HRI Hartnick 2018年11月23日

Yes we do, you can access it via our website or go to http://airdropwaves.com and just select Heridity.

Anonym 2018年11月22日

Do u have airdrop?

Anonym 2018年11月23日

Yes we do, you can access it via our website or go to http://airdropwaves.com and just select Heridity.

Anonym 2018年11月22日

Feel free to contact the independent South African Financial Regulator. I will be posting an email I received from them today on the website's announcement section for all to read.Regards,HRIH